How it work
What is Nomor Work?

A Nepal Based Freelancing Platform

At Nomor Work, we are more than just a freelancing platform in Nepal, we are the beating heart of Nepal's professional community. Our story is one of vision, determination, and unwavering support for both businesses and freelancers.

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Start Freelancing

Do what you love and
freelance your way to success!

If you’re passionate about something, why not freelance and get paid to do what you love? There’s no better feeling than being your own boss and setting your own hours. 

There’s no limit to what you can do when you freelance!

Indian businessman with his white car custom e1665823269128 How it works Nomor Work

Hire Freelancers for projects

Hire the right talent for your project

Searching for the right person to help with your web project? Nomor Work can help you find the perfect freelancer for the job.

group How it works Nomor Work
search resume How it works Nomor Work

Payment Gateways

Get Your Earnings

when you want, How you want !

werkk makes use of Nepali payment gateways to meet Nepali payment standards. so that freelancers can withdraw their earnings without any hassles, when and where they want.

payment gateways in werkk
Plain credit card cuate How it works Nomor Work
Isn't that so easy to start?

Let’s get started today

Whether you're a web developer, graphic designer, writer or another creative professional, freelancing gives you the opportunity to use your skills to earn a great income.