No more negotiations, untimely payment & Barrier of payment gateways

Work, Where Freelancers and Employers connects

It has been difficult for businesses, startups, and individuals to effectively work with freelancers through social media due to issues such as incomplete tasks and delays in payment. In Nepal, this was further compounded by challenges related to payment gateways and international payment methods. To address these issues, we have developed a freelancing platform based in Nepal that allows companies, businesses, and professionals to easily connect and collaborate with top talent. Our goal is to create a supportive and accountable community of freelancers who can work with confidence and trust. We aim to facilitate a seamless process for businesses to hire freelancers, while also creating an environment for freelancers to collaborate and support each other. Through this platform, we hope to remove the payment method barriers that have previously hindered effective collaboration between businesses and freelancers.



Stay connected to nomor work with our mobile application

Our mobile application is the perfect way to stay connected to your freelancing work while on the go. With 24/7 access to your account, you can easily keep track of your projects, deadlines, and messages from clients. Plus, our intuitive design makes it easy to use and navigate, so you can get your work done quickly and efficiently.

Coming Soon
This app is compatible with Android and iOS devices
 Moile apps

Seriously postive feedback always encourage us

We frequently get encouraging phone calls and messages thanking us for the work we do, which inspires us to work harder and accomplish even more.

Join us today
  • Aryan Yadav

    Aryan Yadav

    Software Developer @ Noditt

    I am very happy to be a part of the first Nepali freelancing platform - WERKK. It is a great initiative that will help many Nepali freelancers to get work and earn a living. I was able to find the right project for me within minutes. The project descriptions are clear and concise. communication with the clients is also very smooth.

  • Veshraj Ghimire

    Veshraj Ghimire

    Security Researcher

    Nepal's first freelancing platform, Werkk, is a great way to find work from home opportunities in a variety of fields. I have personally used the site to find designers and have always been pleased with the quality of the work I've received. The site is easy to use, making it a great option for those looking for flexible work arrangements. I recommend Werk for anyone seeking freelance work in Nepal.

  • Anuskha Ghimire

    Anuskha Ghimire

    Graphics Designer | Content writer

    This is a great platform that offers a wide range of services and projects that are perfect for Nepali freelancers. The interface is extremely user-friendly, and the support team is excellent. I highly suggest Werkk to anyone looking for a freelancing platform that caters to the specific needs of Nepali freelancers.

Our dedicated professionals

  • Sachit Yadav
    Backend Developer | Graphics Designer

    Sachit Yadav

  • Veshraj Ghimire
    Security Researcher

    Veshraj Ghimire